Applications now closed – EMC-Cheltenham Festivals' RTRP Book Group
Set up in 2016, Cheltenham Festivals' RTRP is a national network of teachers’ reading groups which aims to inspire reading for pleasure. EMC is delighted to be hosting a secondary RTRP programme again this year as an Independent Partner.
What does RTRP involve?
5 books are chosen from a longlist of recently published and classic children’s/YA literature by a panel of experts.
During the year, groups of teachers and school librarians across the UK meet to talk about each book. Discussion focuses on personal responses, followed by ideas for sharing the book with pupils. Shared resources are distributed throughout the year along with a free copy of each of the 5 titles.
RTRP is FREE to attend.
You can find out more at www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/rtrp
EMC’s RTRP programme
Are you passionate about promoting reading for pleasure and looking to expand your knowledge of children’s and YA literature? Why not join our friendly and supportive group, now in its third year.
We meet in-person on Thursdays from 4.30-6.00pm at The English and Media Centre, 44 Webber Street, London, SE1 8QW (dates below).
If the Centre is not easy for you to get to after school, have a look on the Cheltenham Festivals RTRP website to see if there is a group running near you, or find out how to set up your own: www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/rtrp
Apply for a place on the EMC programme 2023-24
The group is limited to 15 participants. To include as many schools as possible, places are limited to two participants per school. This may include one KS3 English teacher and one librarian or two KS3 English teachers. If you’ve taken part before, you’re welcome to apply again.
Success relies on continuity, so you are asked to commit to attending all 7 sessions – see below for dates.
To apply for a place in the EMC group, click here for an application form. You will hear by 15th October whether your application has been successful.
If you have any questions, please email Kate.
EMC RTRP Programme and Dates 2023-24
Sessions are led by Kate Oliver and other members of our expert teaching team. The programme is book-ended by a launch event and a sharing session – an opportunity to share impact and reflect together on best practice.
All meetings take place from 4.30-6.00pm at The English and Media Centre, 44 Webber Street, London, SE1 8QW.
Launch event
- Thursday 2nd November 2023
Book talk meetings:
- Thursday 7th December 2023 – Book 1
- Thursday 18th January 2023 – Book 2
- Thursday 29th February 2024 – Book 3
- Thursday 9th May 2024 – Book 4
- Thursday 20th June 2024 – Book 5
Sharing session
- Thursday 11th July 2024
What last year’s participants said about their involvement in RTRP at The English and Media Centre:
“Being part of the group has really made me think about how we move students on as readers and recommend books outside their comfort zone.”
“All these students have engaged with the RTRP process of sharing what they thought about the books and what the text brought to them.”
“The project has continued to educate me through the selection of YA fiction provided and I have been able to continue to use this knowledge to build positive relationships with pupils across the school – even ones I don’t teach”
“I have found it a really interesting and enjoyable experience. Just as I asked the students to ‘make time’ for reading, I found being part of this group did the same for me. I read books and authors I would not have encountered otherwise.”
“The knowledge I’m acquiring in this environment is a powerful resource which others in my department and school are starting to value.”
“I wasn’t really aware of what YA books were out there, now I’m much more informed.”
“I’ve loved the bonding you do with students when you find them a book they love.”
“This year I have started to share my knowledge with my department and next year we plan to roll out targeted reading groups.”
RTRP is delivered in partnership with like-minded organisations across the UK including Books Council of Wales, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE), The English and Media Centre, National Literacy Trust, National Centre for Writing, Peters, Bradford Literature Festival, KEAP (The Writers’ Block), Seven Stories the National Centre for Children’s Books, The Reader, The Story Museum and Wigtown Festival Company.
RTRP would not be possible without the fantastic support of the following funders: Gloucestershire Community Foundation, Hitchins Family Trust, Jennifer Hayward & Richard Waite, Keith Norton, Renishaw Charities Committee, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, The Siobhan Dowd Trust, Unwin Charitable Trust and The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire Fund.