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An Inspector Calls Pack (Hard copy, DVD + digital assets)

  • A focus on: the text in performance, staging decisions, contexts and themes. 
  • An insight into the acting process. 
  • Clips from the 1954 film adaptation. 
  • The 1997 Labour Party Election Broadcast, ‘Second Chance’.
  • Extracts from the Royal National Theatre production.
  • Interviews with actors and the set designer.


This publication includes resources on DVD. As more and more computers no longer have a disk drive, these resources are now also supplied in downloadable form. Buy the publication online and the resources included on the DVD will be added to your account. Sign in to your account, click My Account (top right), then navigate to 'Our Downloads' (My Downloads' if signed into an UK Individual Teacher UK or UK Private Individual account). You will also receive the print pack with DVD.

Please note there are multiple files to download.

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  • If you previously bought this publication via the website, the digital version of the files has automatically been added to your account. Sign in to the account used to buy the publication, click My Account (top right), then navigate to 'Our Downloads' (My Downloads' if signed into an UK Individual Teacher UK or UK Private Individual account. 
  • If you bought the publication offline (email, post, phone), please email [email protected], with evidence of your purchase so that we can provide you with a digital version of the files.


Publication Details

An Inspector Calls Pack (Hard copy, DVD + digital assets)
Number of pages
Sample PDF
Publication Categories